Saturday, November 15, 2008

Who says man kind is to blame for extinction?

Feral cats are solitary and predominantly nocturnal. They spend most of their days in the safety of a shelter. As a man whose spent a lot of time in cat country, this is why I love them. For starters it's a carnivore, and can survive with limited access to water, something they can do by absorbing the moisture from their prey- real DUNE type shit here people.

Then  I read this:

"Feral cats generally eat small mammals, but also catch birds, reptiles, amphibians fish and insects, taking prey up [to] the size of brush-tail possum"

So that means these things can eat a baby. Awesome. But not as awesome as this.

"There is clear evidence that feral cats have had a heavy impact on the island fauna. On Macquarie Island for example, feral cats caused the extinction of a subspecies of the red-fronted parakeet. On the main land they have contributed to the extinction of many small to medium sized mammals and ground-nesting birds in the arid zone... In some instances feral cats have directly threatened the success of recovery programs for endangered species"

OK that can only mean 2 things; 1 cats are fucking awesome. 

And 2nd.

God will kill you if you masturbate.

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