Friday, November 14, 2008

19 yr. old sluts from mars

I don't do well with the ladies. I spent 3 years of my life alone after I found my fiance fucking another guy. In the end of that 3 years, I'd managed to quit smoking, stop drugs, and most importantly I learned how to put the past away. So I'd thought. I would wake up every morning and run 5 to 7 miles, then I'd go for a bike ride, and try to push out 20 miles on rubber confused legs. Then I'd spend the after noon taking pictures and tagging down battle creek with the coolest person I'd ever met. I graduated with honors from community college, something I said I'd never do. Then she started going down on me. At first it was friendly, but then it evolved into something with feelings. Eventually we were dating.

Then the trial happened. The dude i beat up, was dead and I thought i was to blame. I still do. I feel it every day.This put her in the arms of another dude. A friend of mine. His name was Lee. Lee was like the big brother I never had. But losing her, hurt. A lot. I mean... I've never had any success but to go from being alone to being with someone who was so cool, and really just got me- 

So all head issues aside I move here. I meet this beautiful 19 year old southern bell. She loves X, cocaine, girls, and weed. My ideal woman. We were smoking in the park one day after class. Already we were kinda close to having something happen, but we were just waiting. 2 bike cops pull up. I reach in her purse, and take 1 bag of weed out and add it to mine. She's too cute for jail.

I spend 18 hours in lock up. 18 fucking miserable hours. I have a long essay about the cold cement floors- the abuse- the insanity... when I get out I find her. She has my stuff. I walk her to class, and then my aim is for home. But i tell her this. "I spent 18 hours in jail. 18 long fucking hours sleeping on my shoes for a pillow, and tucking my arms into my shirt for warmth. You want to make me forget the last 18 hours? You want to take that pain away? All I ask, is 1 kiss. Let me kiss the prettiest girl in this city. IT doesn't have to mean anything, but please, 1 kiss? just 1?"

What did she say. "I'm sorry I'm still not over my girlfriend back home. I appreciate what you did for me, but I'm sorry."


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