Monday, November 3, 2008

Dick Talk vol 2.

Never Judge a book by it's cover, and never judge a cock a by it's holster- any seasoned Chicago slut with tell you that. I used to know this one kid back in high school. Now you have your theatre geeks, your comic book geeks, your role-playing geeks, guys lime me who are your super geeks, and an over looked category of geek-the political geek. When this kid was 15, he knew then what I know now about our political system.
His name was Eric Strough, but we always just called him Strough. Eric was born a nerd and would die a nerd. He had a severe personality deficiency-it's not that he was a bad guy to hang around; he was just the kind of guy who didn't possess any social finesse. he spoke in this long drawn out monotone, and was always coughing and stumbling in between words. He had blondish brown greasy hair cut into a bowl shape around his thick Mellon head, which sat atop this gaunt skinny Ethiopian frame. He was always squinting- with or without his bulletproof thick glasses.
As you can imagine, a fate like this would put Eric off from ever joining an athletic team of any sort. We used to let Strough hang around us, because hell, we were all misunderstood nerds always looking for one more- so why not. We all decided to join the swim team freshman year, and convinced Eric he should try out.  Eric wasn't a good swimmer by any means, he always had more heart then talent. His stroke was off rhythm, and he always was the last one to leave the starting blocks. The other boys would be breaking the surface of the water, while Eric was just starting his dive.
Normally a kid like this would be ostracized and viciously hazed out of athletics and team spirit forever. Strough had one thing going for him all other epic nerds could only dream of- Eric had a 12 inch dick. No joke. Maybe that's why his posture was so bad, and his stroke always off beat.
The sad part was, until he joined the swim team, he had no clue how well mother nature had endowed him. It took months of us insisting he should take more pride in his gifts- that way he could get more action. And why not? He desirved it right? I mean he was a nice guy with a big heart and a big brain.
Truth of the matter was Eric was too awkward to tell anyone or know what to do with it. So I decided I'd help him out. I was talking to my friend Lacey- the school slut the world over. She'd been with prom kings and quarter backs and older guys with access to cocaine and hot rods.
When I told Lacey about Eric- the nerd she'd known her whole life, she didn't believe it, but the more I went on about, the more she had to have it. Lacey used her 4th period bio class to con Eric into taking her to winter formal. Eric had never been to a dance before, let alone asked to one, let alone planned on ever taking a girl to one.
Eric made a big show of it. He bought her a fancy dress, rented a limo, and even a hotel room for the end of the night (something i helped him do). Sure enough that night Lacey got what she wanted. It fit right and was bigger than she could've imagined. Problem was all those years of never being noticed by the opposite sex, Eric didn't last very long. As big as it was, what good was it to a veteran slut when it only lasted a few seconds.
That Sunday Lacey and I grabbed some lunch together. I asked her how it went. She told me it was fine in all, but she wouldn't date him again, and she felt really bad. Eric had called 7 times since the date, and even once during lunch the phone rang and she had to ignore it. She was going to brake it off on Monday. Mean while Eric's running around making wedding plans. No one had ever shown him that kind of attention before.
Monday morning Lacey comes in to find her locker decorated and flowers inside. She snapped. She was going to be nice, but now, now he needed to be taught a lesson. In front of the whole morning assembly she broke it off.
"I don't care how big your dick is. You're clingy, you're creepy, you're a fucking geek, and you can't last for more than 10minutes. Get away from me and stop calling me. I'm sorry i was your first, but you need to get over it!"
The whole school just laughed at him. The few of us, and mostly me tried to stop him from running out of the building. Eric never skipped class before, we just thought he took a mental health day. Who could blame him. That night I get a phone call from my swim coach. There would an emergency meeting for all swimmers.
Turns out Eric went home that afternoon and parked his moms car in the garage. He turned on MPR and closed the garage door. He left the car running until the whole place filled up with carbon monoxide and put him to sleep to the sounds of BBC radio.
Any Seasoned Chicago slut will tell you that you can't judge a book by it's cover, or a cock by it's holster. But she'll also tell you, that sometimes, sometimes you just have to let those big cocks go.

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